Why Narendra Modi Keeps Winning Elections in India

Narendra Modi is undefeated in electoral politics in India. In Gujarat, it was never the question of whether he will win. The question was how many seats Congress will be […]

India Loksabha Elections 2019 and 2014: 5 Differences

It is time for India Loksabha Elections 2019. What are the differences between India Loksabha elections 2019 and 2014, the last time this so-called democratic exercise was carried out? The […]

Election Campaign Rally in India: 5 Observations

I attended a Narendra Modi election campaign rally in Hyderabad on 1st April 2019. I came out of the rally enlightened not so much about the governance but about what […]

Does RBI Rate Cut Really Help Indian Economy?

RBI has had another round of interest rate cut on 4th April 2019. What needs to be done to boost the Indian economy? What is the universally accepted answer to […]